About us

Who are we?

We are the health and care partnership for Bradford district and Craven. We 'Act as One' with the ambition of keeping people happy, healthy, at home. 

Our focus is on preventing ill health as much as possible. We will create opportunities that help people stay healthy, well, and independent and tackle inequalities across our communities. We will prioritise prevention and early intervention, fostering healthy lifestyles, self-care and nurturing active communities so that people are happier, healthier and more independent. 

We serve a population of around 650,000 people in Bradford District and Craven, with a health and care workforce of around 33,000 supported by over 5,000 voluntary and community sector organisations. The partnership is made up of NHS, local authority, Healthwatch, community and voluntary sector organisations and independent care providers working towards a vision of people living ‘happy, healthy at home’.

Why get involved?

Our most important partners are you - the individuals that make Bradford district and Craven a great place to live and work. 

Our ambition is to give people and communities more power to influence our decision making and create positive change. 

We want to support communities to address important issues and help you take action on what matters to you. 

We will continue to ask people to share their experiences of health and care services as patients, as family members and as carers. But we want to go beyond this and understand how we can keep you healthy for longer, considering other things that impact your lives. 

So, we will work together to collect what we already know so that you are not frustrated by being asked the same question by different partners. We will continue to build relationships and connect to the work already happening in our communities. 

We will ask for help to get things right from communities and people with lived experience.

We want to create opportunities for people to be involved in our decision-making processes and to make this easy for our communities. 

So, we are being bold in our ambition to change the way we involve you (sometimes referred to as engagement) and try different ways of doing this.

This online platform is one way in which you can see what we're doing and get involved - by asking questions, sharing ideas, and connecting with others.